Saturday, November Fifteenth, Two Thousand Twenty-Five • McKinney, TX
247 Days To Go!
Grace & Brandon
Saturday, November Fifteenth, Two Thousand Twenty-Five • McKinney, TX
247 Days To Go!
Wedding Party
Camryn - Matron of Honor
Camryn and Grace met at Frog Camp before their freshman year at TCU. They bonded over their mutual annoyance at their other Frog Camp group members. They've been besties ever since! You can catch them at their weekly leisures, watching trash TV and eating Chick-Fil-A.
Paige - Maid of Honor
Paige and Grace met the first day of their freshmen year of high school at JPII when Grace mentioned her morbidly obese cat, Moomoo, in dance class. They bonded through their struggles in Mr. Philp's world history class. Now, they have been friends for 14 years and share a love of a good history joke! You can find them on FaceTime at 2am while Grace narrates playing Crusader Kings III.
Karissa - Bridesmaid
Grace met Karissa through Brandon. Karissa helped Brandon compose some of his initial messages to Grace on Bumble! Now, all three are neighbors in the same apartment complex and often go on last minute adventures together. If she were not already on Grace's side, Karissa would be a groomslady.
Andrew - Bridesman
Grace and Andrew met hiking through the Amazon while they were searching for RuPaul's first wig. Just kidding! They actually met when they both were working at the UTA Library. Bonded by a mutual love of Bob's Burgers and a dislike for their terrible boss, Grace and Andrew have stayed in touch long after leaving the library.
Tyler - Best Man
Brandon met Tyler at the tender age of 1 day old. Since then, he's been the most loyal brother and friend Brandon could ever ask for. Tyler is always there for Brandon whether its a long discussion about a shared nerdy topic or a deep conversation when Brandon needs some life advice. Day in and day out, Tyler is the best big brother Brandon could've ever asked for!
Shawn - Groomsman/Manifesto Maestro
Brandon met Shawn at their fraternity's bid retreat in Freshman year, where Brandon forced his friendship on Shawn and they never looked back. The two like to spend their weekends with Shawn attempting to teach Brandon proper English and Brandon trying to teach him his latest obsession. It's only natural Shawn would be by Brandon's side for this milestone.
Juan - Groomsman/Spurned Lover
Brandon and Juan met when Juan joined their college fraternity. Brandon initially hated Juan, as Juan spent the recruitment week harassing Brandon trying to become friends. Within a year, that changed as they became close friends and roommates. Brandon and Juan are always spending time together as they share many of the same nerdy interests. Juan is always there when Brandon needs him and Brandon sees him as a true brother.
Nate - Groomsman/Best Gamer
Nate and Brandon met while Nate was joining their college fraternity. Their first meeting was one for the ages. Brandon was attempting to convince him to come to a recruitment event at the local trampoline park, while staring at Nate's broken arm. Their friendship developed over the years and they've become even closer in recent years. Nate wouldn't want to be anywhere else during Brandon's important milestone.
Fauz - Groomsman/Working Professional
Brandon and Fauz met when, you guessed it, Fauz joined their college fraternity. Brandon and Fauz began their friendship by finding a common interest in a shared band. The friendship deepened even more when Brandon rented a house next to where Fauz lived, allowing Fauz to stop by constantly to hang out. Fauz and Brandon spend their time together by broadening each others horizons and mercilessly roasting each other. Unfortunately, Fauz is much better at it than Brandon.
Hunter - Groomsman/Pledge Baby
Brandon and Hunter met before Hunter joined their college fraternity. Brandon was desperately attempting to prevent Hunter from jumping into a pool during a party. Their friendship blossomed after Hunter went through the pledge process with Brandon as his pledge educator. They initially did not like each other but soon their mutual love of football and messing with each other created a beautiful friendship. Brandon misses Hunter everyday as Hunter is currently living in Kenya for work.